Trial Part 4
What do you say when someone asks you, "When did you stop beating your wife?" If you answer, "I haven't," then it looks like you are still beating her. But if you answer something like "a long time ago" then it looks like you used to beat her but eventually stopped. If you never beat your wife then you can't answer the question. It's a lose-lose situation, and if you aren't given the option to challenge the validity of the question itself then you have no way out. It's entrapment. Roughly a year ago Guy was called as a defense witness in the trial against David Brown. During the course of the testimony the judge himself challenged Guy with a set of questions very similar to the "when did you stop beating your wife" question. And he absolutely disallowed Guy any possibility of challenging the question or any non-answering of the question -- even though Guy specifically asked for each of these. When Guy finally gave an an...