
Showing posts from September, 2012

Reading OT Narrative

I am teaching OT History to 6th-graders this year.  I would like them to read the entire OT, but it is not do-able within the allotted allowed homework time.  So I am trying to come up with a plan where they can read the narrative sections plus a few sample chapters from other genres. This is what I've come up with so far with my dad's help: Genesis Ex 1–25, 32–33, 40 Le 19 (fairly random sample) Nu 1–2, 10–14, 16–17, 20–24, 31:16, Re 2:14, Nu 25, 32 Deut 1–6, 32, 34 Joshua 1–14, 23–24 Judg Ruth 1Sam 2Sam 1Ki 2 Ki 1 Ch 10–end 2 Ch Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job 1–2, 40–42 Ps 1, 23, 23, 46, 51, 91, 100, 119, 121, 139, 150 Pr 1, 31 Is 1:1–9, Is 6, 36–39, 40, 44, 52:13–53:12 Je 36–38 Ezek 1, 2, 10, 18, 37 Daniel Jonah Micah Habbakuk Malachi What have I missed?  What could I easily take out without missing something huge? (Yes, I know.  It's kind of like trying to create a Reader's Digest Condensed book by abridging the Bible ... which doesn...

NIV1984, TNIV, or NIV2011? The winner: ESV?

I have been an ardent proponent of NIV1984 for years.  I recognize that there are some verses mis-translated (as there are in every translation) but for me this has been the go-to translation for my devotional reading and most of my study for years. (NASB is my backup plan from a deep-study perspective and ESV is my backup from a devotional perspective.  I also enjoy NLT and The Message when I'm looking for pure readability and am prepared to deal with the interpretation that comes with it.) The NIV Study Bible (NIV1984) that I got in college was worn out once, replaced with a duct-tape cover, and then when that wore out my wife very generously arranged to have it rebound.  I love that Bible. Then along came TNIV.  Can you say "New Coke"?  Can you say "Beta Videocassette"?  It never caught on -- in fact in my conversations and reading it appeared to be completely ignored (I'm talking from a reading/using/studying perspective -- lots of people argued...