But I don't have the gift of evangelism...

I'm more of a discipleship kind of person rather than an evangelist...

I agree that some people find it easier to evangelize than others. Some people are not nearly as intimidated by changing the subject to a spiritual topic, maybe even by "cold call" evangelism.

Whether that "not nearly as intimidated" relates to a spiritual gifting or to training or to personality or simply to faith is a question I will leave to Greek scholars and sociologists... But I will submit that the Bible is pretty clear as to which believers are expected to carry out the Great Commission -- it's a command given to all believers.

And, whether I like it or not, even little old "but-I-don't-have-the-gift-of-evangelism" me is included in "all believers."

So it comes down to faith and obedience ... or lack of faith and disobedience. But that doesn't mean that I need to start knocking on doors and preaching on street corners tomorrow.

In fact, there's an incredibly simple "strategy" that can get everybody at least onto the first step...

Simply sit down with a sheet of paper, write down a list of names of unsaved people you know, put the sheet in your Bible and pray for them every day. These should be non-believers within your sphere of influence, those you interact with on a regular basis. It could be a shopkeeper, a neighbor, a co-worker, a family member -- you name it. Simply write down their name on this list and then begin praying for them on a daily basis.

This oh-so-simple step takes what seems so intimidating and makes the first step attainable. If you stop at the first step ... well, we've still got problems, but I'm willing to bet the Holy Spirit will use your new-found momentum to change your heart and make you hungry for more...

Try it - you may be amazed at the work God does in your heart! I know I am!

(By the way, for all you prospective missionaries out there -- this should be a REQUIRED step of all missionaries before they ever leave for the field. In fact, it should be required YEARS before a missionary goes to the field. In fact ... why don't you do it now?! You've all heard the "you won't be struck by lightning on the plane to your target people and suddenly find yourself an evangelist" -- well, it's true. I have taken to making this my #1 piece of advice to people who are considering missions -- what's the point of sending a missionary who isn't already being obedient where they are? What makes us think it'll be different in a different country?!)


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